Aarhus University Seal

Organise a scientific skills PhD course

Please note that financing of scientific PhD courses lies with the Departments.

If you want to organise a PhD course or establish a new PhD course, the procedure is as follows:

Describe the course content using the template in the menu to the right.

Please delete the square brackets and the content inside them before submitting the template to GSTS as they merely serve as explanations or examples of what to write under the respective headings.

If there are specific headings which are irrelevant for your particular course, then simply write “None” under that heading – e.g. if the course has no homepage, please write “None” under this heading. Under the heading Registration, GSTS has provided an example of what you might write.

Please note that 1 ECTS generally corresponds to 25-30 hours of work, including contact hours, preparation, assignment writing, etc.

If the course is a new scientific PhD course

Please submit the course description for approval to the head of the PhD programme you are associated with. The PhD programme committee will evaluate the course description and the work load given (number of ECTS). The head of programme will notify the course organiser when the course has been approved.

Please don't send the filled in course description template to GSTS before the course has been approved.

Registration of participants and course fee for direct costs

Registration of participants is dealt with locally at the PhD programmes.

For PhD students enrolled at Danish universities, an agreement between all Danish universities has been made regarding course fees. Thus, no course fee may be charged for scientific courses (except for covering materials and other direct costs). For PhD students enrolled at non-Danish universities, it is up to the course organiser to decide on a course fee. A typical course fee excluding materials, accommodation, meals, etc. is DKK 1,200 per ECTS.
Read more about the open marked agreement on PhD courses here (in Danish only).

Course evaluation

A course evaluation template can be found here; however, other templates/systems may be used.

The evaluation should be submitted to the head of the PhD programme after the course has been held.

Course certificate

A course certificate template can be requested by sending an e-mail to gradschool.tech@au.dk.  

Please send the filled in course description to PhD partner Nanna Maria Elgaard Pedersen, e-mail: nmep@au.dk 

The PhD and Talent Administration will then announce the course on the GSTS website and in the national database concerning PhD courses offered by Danish universities: www.phdcourses.dk

Don’t forget to tell your scientific network about the course too!

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