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Apply for a PhD position here

The list below will be updated with new announcements continuously. If you can’t find a project within your field of research on the list, please have a look later.

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Application deadline

Project title Programme Candidate background
2025/01/06 23:59 CET PhD in Multi-sensor mapping of soil properties and tile drains using proximal and remote sensors Agroecology Applicants must have a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS) or at least one year of a Master’s degree in soil science, applied geophysics, geostatistics or data science. 
2024/12/15 23:59 CET Utilizing multisource data to optimize nitrogen fertilizer application strategy in agricultural crop production  Agroecology A MSc relevant to modelling in Agricultural Science, Physics, Ecology, Biology, Environmental Science, or related fields.
2025/02/01 23:59 CET Novel pre-and post-treatment technologies to optimize anaerobic digestion Biological and Chemical Engineering The successful candidate holds a master’s degree in civil engineering, in biotechnology, biological engineering, process technology, environmental technology or similar (120 ECTS).
2025/01/31 23:59 CET PhD position on microbial electrosynthesis by the acetogenic bacterium Sporomusa ovata Biological and Chemical Engineering We are looking for talented and motivated applicants with a Master’s degree (120 ECTS) in Biotechnology, Microbiology or Molecular Biology, or another discipline with a relevant specialization.
2024/12/15 23:59 CET Multimodal computer vision with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for crop production Agroecology Applicants must have a relevant Master’s degree in computer vision, weed science, agronomy, environmental sciences, ecology, or a closely related field.
2025/01/05 23:59 CET Ph.D. Opportunity in green transition: Advancing Potato Resistance to Late Blight through Innovative Breeding Techniques Agroecology Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree in plant Pathology, Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, or in a related field.
2024/12/16 23:59 CET Life cycle assessment (LCA) of organic poultry production Agroecology Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree within agrobiology, agricultural sciences, biosystems engineering, biology or similar or a Bachelor degree within Agrobiology at Aarhus University.
2025/01/10 23:59 CET

Fabrication of Novel Materials and Devices for CO2 Reduction

Biological and Chemical Engineering Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS) or at least one year of a Master’s degree related to chemical engineering/science, materials engineering, process engineering or electronic engineering.
2025/01/10 23:59 CET PhD position in effective pesticides mitigation in constructed wetlands  Agroecology Applicants must possess a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS). Candidates with background of constructed wetlands, environmental chemistry, environmental science, electro-chemistry are preferred.  
2025/01/15 23:59 CET Biocement by enzyme mediated CO2 mineralization Civil and Architectural Engineering Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS) or at least one year of a Master’s degree related to Enzyme Engineering, specializing in enzyme screening and characterization.
2024/12/31 23:59 CET Reduction of nitrogen losses from dairy cattle production Animal and Veterinary Sciences Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree in Animal Science, Agricultural Science, or related fields.
2024/12/31 23:59 CET Reducing methane from dairy cows using dietary fat without increasing milk free fatty acid concentration Animal and Veterinary Sciences Applicants must have a relevant university degree (MSc) in either Animal Science, Food (dairy) Science, Agricultural Science, or related fields.
2024/12/18 23:59 CET PhD research to manage greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon loss in East African Wetlands Ecoscience Applicants to the PhD position must have a MSc degree with research thesis in environmental science, biogeochemistry, water quality, agricultural or soil science.
2025/01/31 23:59 CET Clover Fatigue: Underlying causes, mechanisms and mitigation strategies Agroecology Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS) in Biology or similar and have a strong interest in plants, soil and microorganisms
2025/02/01 23:59 CET Discovery and physiology of soil viruses Agroecology Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree in microbiology, virology or related field.
2025/01/01 23:59 CET PhD in Herd-specific sustainable culling and reproduction strategies in dairy cattle herds Animal and Veterinary Sciences Applicants must have a relevant Master’s degree (120 ECTS). Candidates with background in animal science, veterinary science, biology, and economy are preferred.
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