Aarhus University Seal

Enhance your PhD student community: Apply for financial support for social activities 2025

Ensuring the well-being of PhD students, both academically and socially, is a paramount priority for Graduate School of Technical Sciences (GSTS). To foster social connections and nurture the sense of community among PhD students, financial support is available for organising tailored social activities for GSTS PhD students in 2025.

These social initiatives could be directed towards either PhD students at a specific PhD programme or encompass participants from various PhD programmes within GSTS. Please note that the social initiative must be open to all PhD students on the PhD programme(s).

Examples of previously supported social activities include:

  • Thematic workshop featuring invited speaker
  • Purchase of board games and other games
  • Organising a festive event such as a Christmas gathering
  • Monthly social meetups

    (this list will be updated continuously)


To apply for funding for a proposed social activity, please contact

28137 / i43