Aarhus University Seal

PhD Journal Club course

ECTS Credits: 3

Course parameters 
Language: English 
Level of course: PhD course
Time of year: Spring an autumn semester 2021 
No. of contact hours/hours in total incl. preparation, assignment(s) or the like: 1,5 h for each journal club session (8 in total), 16 h for preparation of each presentation (2 in total), 2 h for reading and reviewing other peers chosen papers (6 in total), 25 h for conducting the written review.    

Objectives of the course
The course goal is to gain knowledge about specialized subjects in biological and chemical engineering by presenting journal articles. The objective is further to give the participants presentation training and improve the constructive reviewing. This is accomplished by both reading and commenting on papers presented by the other participants. A final report on a literature study is prepared and peer reviewed the corresponding teacher and finally handed in at the end of the course.

Learning outcomes and competences
At the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Prepare slides for a digital presentation of a scientific subject
  • Analyse and review the scientific methods used in a research publication
  • Evaluate and give constructive criticism of presentations given by other students
  • Convey academic content in a field where you are not an expert
  • Critically read a paper and identify its strengths and weaknesses
  • Perform a literature search within a scientific area
  • Describe the background for a scientific area
  • Make a correct reference to the scientific literature

Organizing related activities:
To pass the course you must attend 8 journal club sessions, present a paper 2 times and write and review on a topic within biological and chemical engineering agreed upon with the teacher.

Teaching method:
Preparing and presenting scientific papers and reviewing other peers’ presentations.

Course assessment/evaluation:
The participants learning will be assessed by participation during journal club sessions and the quality of the written review 

Name of lecturers:
BCE course instructors with the research background within the students’ chosen topic

Concluding and grading the students:
Pass/no pass. BCE course instructors will read and approve the final written review.

Graduate School of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University

Associate Professor Zheng Guo guo@bce.au.dk or Associate Professor Menglin Chen menglin@bce.au.dk 

Spring and autumn semester 2021 


If you have any questions, please contact Associate Professor Zheng Guo guo@bce.au.dk or Associate Professor Menglin Chen menglin@bce.au.dk 


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