Aarhus University Seal

Bachelor's and Master's courses

There are two ways to include Master's (or, under special circumstances, Bachelor's) courses in your PhD degree programme:

  1. As part of your Master's degree, if you are enrolled on a 3+5 or 4+4 programme. The courses must be approved in your Master's contract.
  2. As part of the PhD courses or similar subject elements totalling minimum 28 and maximum 31 ECTS credits, that you have to complete as a PhD student at the GSTS.

For the latter, you will usually have to make a special arrangement with the course coordinator to make the course suitable for PhD level. This could be through extra assignments, a larger curriculum and/or working as a teaching assistant, for example. You may participate in the regular exam (perhaps under special conditions), or you can arrange for a different type of evaluation with the course coordinator. The course activity must be approved (preferably in advance) by the main supervisor and the Head of programme.

Click on the relevant category below for more information and the procedure for registration.

Master's contract for 3+5/4+4 PhD students (Part A only)

PhD students who study for their Master's degree in parallel with a PhD programme (3+5 or 4+4) have to make a plan for their 60 ECTS Master's courses; a Master's contract. This enables the head of Master's programme and the study administration to validate the content of the Master's programme and issue a valid Master's degree diploma.

The Master's contract must be completed immediately after admission to the GSNS, and it should be attached to your PhD plan.

Drawing up the Master's contract

You have to fill in the Master's contract (in Danish: "Kandidatkontrakt") electronically through the Contract generator (in Danish: "Kontraktgenerator"). Please follow these steps:

  1. Start by either creating a new contract or choosing to edit a previous one.
  2. Select the Master’s contract template and then tick off the box "PhD student". The template will then display a qualifying exam instead of a Master’s thesis.
  3. Fill in the form with relevant Master's (or Bachelor's) courses - in total 60 ECTS.
  4. Click on "Send" to send the contract to the relevant head of Master's programme for approval. 

When the approved contract is returned to you from the head of Master's programme, export a PDF version and attach it to your PhD plan under the plan element "Other activities" and name it "Master's programme".

To sign up for Master's courses as part of your Master's course programme, please follow the same procedure as regular Master's students and register through the online Self Service facility. Note that the online facility is only open at certain times:

  • Registration for courses in the spring semester: November 1-5
  • Registration for courses in the autumn semester: May 1-5

It is your own responsibility to check that you are registered for the correct courses. When you register for a course, you will automatically be registered for the exam.

As a student you can only edit your registrations in the above-mentioned periods. After the deadlines, please contact the Graduate School of Technical Sciences to edit your registrations. 
Remember, you have to update your Master's contract and have it reapproved every time you make changes to your study programme.

Please note:
If you have enrolled as a PhD student in the flexible model (3+5 or 4+4) after the registration deadlines mentioned above, it is possible to sign up for Master’s courses as part of your Master’s course programme by contacting the Graduate School of Technical Sciences.

Please send an e-mail to gradschool.tech@au.dk with the subject “Registration for Master’s course – Master’s programme”.
The e-mail should contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student number
  • Your Master’s programme
  • Name of the course
  • Course period
  • STADS UVA code (can be found in the course catalogue)

NB. Be sure to send this information from your AU e-mail address to ensure secure delivery.

See your relevant study portal for more information.

Master's courses in your PhD programme

Usually, PhD students who wish to include a Master's course in their minimum 28 and maximum 31 ECTS credits PhD courses or similar subject elements make special arrangements with the course coordinator to raise the academic level so that the course is suitable for a PhD programme. Examples include extra assignments, a larger curriculum and/or working as a teaching assistant. The course activity must be approved (preferably in advance) by the main supervisor and the Head of programme.

You may participate in the regular exam (perhaps under special conditions), or you can arrange for a different type of evaluation with the course coordinator.

If you are taking the regular exam, you should formally register for the course as described below. If you are not taking the regular exam, you should simply make arrangements with the course coordinator.

To register for the course, please send an e-mail to gradschool.tech@au.dk with the subject "Registration for Master’s course – PhD programme”. The e-mail should contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student number
  • Name of the course
  • Course period
  • STADS UVA code (can be found in the course catalogue)
  • Confirmation that you will be taking the regular exam (please note that if you are not taking the regular exam, you do not need to register for the course – you simply make arrangements with the course coordinator)

NB. Be sure to send this information from your AU email address to ensure secure delivery.

Please note:
We recommend that you sign up for Master's courses – or make arrangements with the course coordinator - as soon as possible and by no later than three weeks before the course starts. Please note that we cannot guarantee you a place on the requested course, as the Master's courses have a limited number of places.

Bachelor's courses in your PhD programme

Although less common, it is possible for PhD students to follow a Bachelor's course as part of their minimum 28 and maximum 31 ECTS credits PhD courses or similar subject elements. There must be solid reasons for doing so and, as for Master's courses, you should make special arrangements with the course coordinator to raise the academic level so that the course is suitable for a PhD programme. Examples include extra assignments, a larger curriculum and/or working as a teaching assistant.

You may participate in the regular exam (perhaps under special conditions), or you can arrange for a different type of evaluation with the course coordinator.

To participate at a Bachelor's course as part of your minimum 28 and maximum 31 ECTS credits PhD courses or similar subject elements, you must have approval from the head of your PhD programme. Please send him/her an e-mail with a well-founded request for including the particular Bachelor's course in your PhD course programme.

If you are taking the regular exam, you should formally register for the course as described below. If you are not taking part in the regular exam, you should simply make arrangements with the course coordinator.

To register for the course, please send an e-mail to gradschool.tech@au.dk with the subject "Registration for Bachelor's course". The e-mail should contain the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student number
  • Name of the Bachelor's course
  • Course period
  • STADS UVA code (can be found in the course catalogue)
  • Approval from head of PhD programme
  • Confirmation that you will be taking the regular exam (please note that if you are not taking the regular exam, you do not need to register for the course - you simply make arrangements with the course coordinator).

NB. Be sure to send this information from your AU email address to ensure secure delivery.

Please note:
We recommend that you begin this process as soon as possible, so that you can register for the course - or make arrangements with the course coordinator - by no later than three weeks before the course starts. We cannot guarantee you a place on the requested course, as there may be a limited number of places.

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