Aarhus University Seal

Applied methods in crop physiology (2020)

ECTS credits:

Course parameters:
Language: English
Level of course: PhD course
Time of year: April 2020
No. of contact hours/hours in total incl. preparation, assignment(s) or the like: Preparation of pre report 12 hrs, 40+ hrs during course and 40 hrs post report
Capacity limits: 12 participants (min. 6)

Objectives of the course:
To give the students an up to date introduction to measurements of plant processes, both in the field and under protection, to allow them to select and develop suitable methods for measuring and analysing data in their PhD work. Furthermore, the course will present the newest knowledge and an overview of the current status of physiological measurement problems. New and emerging technologies will be presented.

Learning outcomes and competences:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Evaluate different physiological measurements
  • Be able to select relevant methods for their research purpose
  • Use the obtained knowledge to develop a relevant research protocol

Compulsory programme:
Each day will cover a number of lectures and hands-on exercises with measurement gear or computer models. Pre-course report (1 ECTS) on the background of the student’s project and expectations is mandatory. Additionally, a report based on the results of the course has to be to be prepared allowing for individual consultancy concerning experimental problems. All elements are mandatory.

Course contents:
All course elements will be combinations of theory and hands on in the lab.

Day 1 - 2: Photosynthesis
To give a good background for performing measurements of using traditional gas exchange, traditional chlorophyll fluorescence and related techniques for characterizing plant responses and phenotyping.

Day 3 - 4: Water relations in plants
To give a good background for understanding water status in plants when they are subjected to various stress conditions with emphasis on nitrogen and water.

Day 4 - 5: Roots – the hidden half
To give an understanding of root growth and nutrient dynamics in the soil and how this is measured and modelled.

The requirements are relevant courses in crop physiology from MSc level. MSc students considering crop physiology or engaged in thesis work can participate if space is available.

Name of lecturers:

From Aarhus University:

  • Carl-Otto Ottosen
  • Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen
  • Rong Zhou
  • Mathias N Andersen

From University of Copenhagen:

  • Fulai Liu
  • Eva Rosenqvist

Type of course/teaching methods:
Lectures and exercises

Will be put on a shared dropbox folder well before the course with recommendations for reading priorities.

Course homepage:

Course assessment:
The assessment will be made based on the final report by one of the teachers.

Department of Food Science, Aarhus University

Special comments on this course:
Lunch will be arranged.

Participation in course: free.
Cost for food and other costs: 2,000 DKK.

20-24 April 2019

Course location: Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Skejby, Denmark. Agro Food Park 48, 8200 Aarhus N.

Send an e-mail to course leader Carl-Otto Ottosen (coo@food.au.dk) ASAP before March 1 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact Carl-Otto Ottosen, e-mail: coo@food.au.dk, phone: +45 2290 3105.  

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