Name of course:
Carbohydrates with emphasis on nutrition and intestinal health of non-ruminant animals
ECTS credits:
Course parameters:
Language: English
Level of course: PhD course
Time of year: June 2019
Hours per week: 50-55 including preparation
Capacity limits: 20 participants
Objectives of the course
The aim is to give PhD students an overview of the carbohydrates in feeds in relation to nutrition and intestinal health of non-ruminant animals.
Learning outcomes and competences
After finalising the course, the student:
Compulsory programme
Active participation in the two weeks course Monday-Friday including presentation of own project.
Course contents
The course will consist of theoretical lectures, laboratory work, practical problem solvents based on literature cases, and demonstrations.
The course covers the following topics:
Participants are expected to deliver 160 working hours divided between:
This course targets PhD students and researchers within science, agricultural, veterinary and health sciences working with carbohydrates in relation to nutrition and intestinal health.
Name of lecturers:
Type of course/teaching methods:
The theoretical lectures will be given in the morning followed by practical problem solving related to course material, field trips to commercial companies and demonstrations in laboratories and barns.
Research papers and book chapters.
Course homepage:
Course assessment:
It is a prerequisite for obtaining the diploma that the students are present at more than 60 % of the time allocated for lectures and solving of cases. The students will be graded into passed or failed based on their responses to 4 practical problem sets that they will be asked to complete and the final exam that will be administered on the last day of the course.
Each of the 4-practical problem-set will be worth 20 points, and the final exam is worth 120 points for a total of 200 points.
Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University
Special comments on this course:
Course fee
Teaching materials, lunch, coffee/the/fruits at AU-Foulum and company visit.
Total price: 4.100 DKK/ 550 €
The nearby town of Viborg offers a wide range of different kinds of accommodation.
Should you wish help to book accommodation at one of the below places please contact Secretary Julie Sloth Jensen at
Please note that the prices might vary depending on availability.
Palads hotel – Breakfast included
Single room – 650 DKK pr night
Golf Hotel Viborg - Breakfast included
Single Room - 860 DKK per night
Double Room - 960 DKK per room per night
B&B Oasen - Breakfast included
2-4 person room - 600 DKK per person per night
Danhostel Viborg - Breakfast not included
Single room - 387 DKK per night
Double room - 477 DKK per room per night.
Time: 17 June – 28 June 2019
Place: Building 8814, Aarhus University, AU-Foulum, Blichers Allé 20, DK-8830 Tjele
To register, please send an e-mail to Julie Slot Jensen:
Deadline for registration is 1 June, 2019. Information regarding admission will be sent out no later than two days after.
Course fee
Teaching materials, lunch, coffee/the/fruits at AU-Foulum and company visit.
Total price: 4.100 DKK/ 550 €
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Slot Jensen: or Knud Erik Bach Knudsen: