Aarhus University Seal

Parental leave during part A

The following applies for PhD students during part A at a 3+5 or 4+4 flexible PhD programme i.e. enrolled PhD students who are not employed at Aarhus University.

  • In connection with childbirth/adoption, an enrolled PhD student is entitled to leave for up to 9 months within a period of up to 12 months after birth/adoption.
  • The mother is entitled to leave 2 months before the expected date of birth. The leave taken before the child is born will be deducted from the 9 months of leave.
  • Single parents may apply for leave for up to 12 months.
  • A parent may transfer up to 3 months of leave to the other parent if both parents are enrolled PhD students on part A.

Enrolled PhD students who take maternity/paternity/parental leave during part A can get their enrolment extended. If the PhD student is paid with SU PhD grant units, the same SU PhD grant units as prior to the leave will be paid out during the leave. During the extension of enrolment the payment of SU PhD grant units will also be extended with the same number of SU PhD grant units per month as before the leave.

If the PhD student is employed elsewhere the local rules at the place of employment must be complied with. It is important to keep the graduate school informed of all absence related to maternity/parental leave.

Extensions due to absence can only be given in the part in which the student is absent. Extension due to absence during part A cannot be transferred to part B. Read more about the rules regarding SU PhD grant in the box Rules and Regulations (only available in Danish).

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