Aarhus University Seal

Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD programme hosts more than 50 PhD students. Focus is on applied research, and we enjoy strong collaboration with the industry on core issues in all of our research areas.


Research facilities

Within the ECE department areas, advanced laboratory facilities are available. Graduate students are expected to take part in developing novel equipment.

Collaboration with the industry also ensures access to state-of-the-art industrial R&D facilities.

Geographic location

The department’s localisation strategy aims to ensure that the educations and research activities are placed in the scientific environment to which they are most closely related.

The academic environment help strengthen the growing cluster of technology centres in Aarhus and ensure continued positive commercial development in the region.

Employment after graduation

Most engineering graduates take up a career in the industry or in consultancy; both are areas where project leadership is important, and this often becomes a stepping stone towards leadership.

Head of programme

Stefan Hallerstede

Associate Professor

Local ECE PhD Coordinator

GSTS PhD Partner

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