Aarhus University Seal

Apply for a PhD position here

The list below will be updated with new announcements continuously. If you can’t find a project within your field of research on the list, please have a look later.

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Application deadline

Project title Programme Candidate background
2024/10/20 23:59 CEST Improving feed efficiency and reducing impact of slow-growing broilers on environment through use of new nutritional norms, feed additives, and feed ingredients Animal and Veterinary Sciences Applicants must have a relevant Master’s degree (veterinary/animal science, biology/molecular biology).
2024/10/07 23.59 CEST PhD position in assimilating remote-sensing data into agroecosystem model Agroecology Applicants must have a MSc relevant to modelling in Agricultural Science, Ecology, Biology, Environmental Science, or related fields.
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