Aarhus Universitets segl

Young Researcher’s Grant: Opportunity for Mobility within the Utrecht Network

Aarhus University invites applications for the Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant, offering up to €1,200 for short-term mobility. The grant supports PhD students seeking self-organized research opportunities at Utrecht Network partner universities.

Aarhus University is a part of the Utrecht Network. The Utrecht Network Young Researcher’s Grant aims to enhance support for students and staff, as well as promote increased mobility among the Network’s institutions.

Within the framework of the Young Researcher’s Grant, up to 20 scholarships of €1,200 each will be offered for short-term mobility. This grant is intended for self-organized mobility at one of the Utrecht Network partner universities. Priority will be given to young researchers at PhD level.

At Aarhus University we can nominate up to 3 students for the UN grant.

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum length of stay: 4 weeks
  • Mobility must start between 1 May 2024 - 31 March 2025
  • Study/research period including the application is self-organized. Students are expected to check possible research areas of the university they want to apply to and to find the supervisor by themselves. It is considered that this task is part of the student’s project and should be done by the student
  • Students, who are eligible for an ERASMUS grant, cannot apply for this grant
  • You can only apply for the grant if your mobility takes place at a university part of the Utrecht Network. Please check the members section for an overview of all member institutions.
  • For the details and the application form, please refer to the UN website: http://www.utrecht-network.org/activities/young-researchers-grant/ 

Application deadline
20th February 2025. Send your application and attachments to: kajahenneberg@au.dk

UN Grant, contact person at Aarhus University: Kaja Henneberg